Coopers Pack Travel Guides - Seattle- super Elliott the Otter

The fine folks at Seattle Antique Market liked our Cooper’s Pack Seattle Travel Guide so much that they asked if they could have a giant version of Elliott the Otter for the front of their store. Guess what we said? ; )

This version of Elliott was handcrafted by a Northwest company specializing in large scale models. Standing over 7 feet tall, we think they did a great job and are pleased to show him here at Seattle Antiques Market. Don’t forget to pick up some Cooper books when you’re there. They are available at a special discounted price.

To learn more about Elliott, see his bio here:

If you took a great picture and want to share it with Cooper’s fans, send a copy to and we’ll post it here on this page.

Look for more Cooper tags around Seattle and we hope you enjoy our wonderful city.


kyle & groot
Cooper’s Pack Authors