» Southern France
Cooper's Pack > Cooper Was Here > Southern France
Southern France
LOCATION: Southern France (43° 36′ N, 1° 27′ E)
PHOTOGRAPHER: Carol and Dan D.
COMMENTS: Cooper loved the South of France, including the fromage and all the great people he met.
CAN’T MISS: Speaking French, viewing the castles, talking to the locals and enjoying the countryside.
WHERE IN THE WORLD: You can find it here >>
Cooper Was Here - Carcassone, France

Cooper Was Here - Carcassone, France 2

Cooper Was Here - Foix Chateau, France

Cooper Was Here - Foix Chateau, France 2

Cooper Was Here - Montsegur Castle, France

Cooper Was Here - Pyrenees, France

Cooper Was Here - Toulouse, France

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